I apologize for not updating sooner! Last semester was very busy with school work and friends but it was very good. I have been back in Maine since mid-December and am headed back up to Fairbanks on Sunday the 16th. It is crazy, but I only have one semester left of graduate school! I am taking my comprehensive exams in February, finishing my research, writing my thesis and then defending it all by May. I have a lot of work ahead of me and I am looking forward to having it behind me! I am thinking about driving my car back to Maine when I am finished...it would be quite an adventure! As many of you know, Justin and I broke up but on friendly terms and are looking forward to being good friends this semester. Hopefully this semester will be full of adventures to share with you all but I am looking forward to coming back to Maine for good! I attached a few pictures from this past semester and from this break.
Thanksgiving dinner with some great friends.

My cousin Anna and I on Christmas Day

Emily and I on Door Mnt in Acadia a few days after Christmas

X-C skiing in Bangor with the family :)


Mom and Dad on Gorham mnt in Acadia after New Years
Looking forward to having you back in Maine for good too!! -Elizabeth