My summer in Fairbanks is quickly coming to an end! I will be home in Maine for the remainder of the summer and am really looking forward to seeing everyone! I will be home on Thursday and stay just over a week until the following Monday. Classes start up here September 2nd so it will be a quick transition! This summer has been pretty good. I have been putting in a lot of time at the GIS lab working on my research which is slowly coming along. We are submitting a paper to be published a few weeks after I get back so I will keep you all posted on when that will be published.
This past weekend Justin and I checked out the Tanana Valley Fair which was right in Fairbanks. I posted a few pictures from that below..
Me with the bunnies

Big dude

On the ferris wheel!

I have also been doing a bunch of sewing during the weeks but I have made surprises for people so I can't post pictures yet! Once I get back I will post a few more of my creations along with some stories from my trip home!