This past weekend has been pretty low-key but I got some exploring in! Saturday I met up with Leah, another girl in my department and we walked around downtown Fairbanks. It is not very big at all and looks a little bit sketchy, but there are some fun stores! We ended up at a store that was packed with random Alaska stuff from postcards, t-shirts, whale bone figurines, old bumper stickers, seal skin thimbles and millions and millions of beads! It was a really tiny store, but every corner had things in it! I ended up with a few beads to hopefully make earrings out of! After that, I went to a contra dance that was held on campus and was free! It was fun, but there were a lot of new dancers there. Some older guy tried to teach me to swing dance and wants me to start doing other kinds of dancing! It could be fun if I have enough time!!
This morning I went for a hike with Austin, who also went to UMaine and is a first semester graduate student as well. We went to Wickersham Dome which is about an hour north of Fairbanks off the Alaska Highway. It was a lot of fun and very pretty, but also cold and windy!! There are a few pictures posted below. I also got to see the Alaska Pipeline which was pretty neat! I thought it was funny they made a rest stop out of seeing the Alaska Pipeline! Thankfully, we did not see much for wildlife (bears), although we did see a few grousse. I did have my bear spray just incase!!
You can see the alaska pipeline in this one...the rest of it looks a lot like Maine!

Behind me is what we hiked!

At the top! It was cold!

Kind of looked like Katahdin!

It's behind me again!

That is about all I have for now! Maybe next weekend will be more exciting!!