Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Getting settled

The past two days I have spent running around campus trying to get all the right forms to the right departments! Yesterday I did not get much accomplished because I had orientation from 1-5. This was informative as far as graduate student responsibilities go, but not much for general campus knowledge. There wasn't much of a chance to get to know other students since it was mostly speakers talking for four hours. 

Today I walked back and forth across campus numerous times trying to get appropriate forms filled out. I finally signed up for classes and got my student ID card and hopefully got all of my employment papers squared away. It has been hard not having an advisor around this week so I never know who to go to with questions. Thankfully, everyone in every department has been more than helpful. I've had secretaries offer to drive me downtown to get information and it seems like every other person has a relation back to Maine! The department chair's sister currently lives in Bangor so I was able to talk with him for a few minutes about that! After all the walking around today, I crashed early and made some phone calls while it was still a reasonable time on the east coast! I talked to Heidi, Corey, Memere & Pepere, Grandma & Grandpa, Lucas and my parents through Skype among a few others!! It was really great being able to talk to everyone!! I always welcome phone calls...just keep in mind I'm 4 hours behind!!

I went around campus today and took a few pictures of the main buildings...

This is the Museum of the North...a signature building of the school.

The outside of my building. I'm on the lower corner.

O'Neill building where my department is located.

The library!!!

The Wood Center...the student union building. The brown thing on the top stretches the length of the building for really high ceilings inside.

It is quite a nice campus! There are still flowers out and green grass everywhere! I'm sure this will all disappear in a month or so! Please feel free to leave any questions in the comments or send me an email!!

Classes start tomorrow so I will keep you posted with how those go!


  1. Love the frequent posts and pictures! So happy that you seem to be finding your way around - I hope that your boxes arrive soon - that will help you to get a little more "settled". Have a great first day of classes.

    Love, Mom

  2. Muesum of the North...looks very cool. Love the updates...keep them coming.
    Uncle Ben
