Sunday, August 30, 2009

August 30, 2009

So today, Sunday, we spent around Fairbanks and it rained all day. We started off by going to mass in a small church next to the Chena river - the Immaculate Conception at 9:15. After mass, we drove around Fairbanks some more and stopped at a big outdoor store where we both could have spent a large amount of money but refrained quite well. I did walk out with a sweet pair of Merrells though!

We went and had lunch at Boston's pizza and then went to WalMart and bought most of the supplies I will need for the next two years (hopefully!). We returned to the hotel and dad napped and I posted more pictures. 

For dinner we went to the Chena Pump House, the same place we went to last night. We met up with my advisor, Dave and his wife, Becky. They are both very very nice and it got me more excited to start the semester! Dave is gone the first week of classes to go to the Alaska range to hunt sheep. His wife, Becky, told me she is going to call tomorrow afternoon to check on me to make sure I moved in well and has invited me to their place at some point this week along with some new other grad students. She said that people around are very welcoming and inviting to new students so I am excited to see where things lead!

Here are a few stray pictures from the trip:

Salmon we saw in the stream...they were big!!

Dad and I on one of our hikes:

Its okay, I didn't jump! :)

Always have to get a picture with the sign!

A swan we saw on Horseshoe Lake...

Tomorrow is moving day!! Hopefully my boxes will be waiting a the post office! :)

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